It's been a very busy weekend/week/month/year and as I sit here with a lasagne in the oven, I'm overwhelmed by all that is still undone, despite how exhausted I am from all that has been done. Last night I had a dance show (flamenco), for which I performed a mere four or five minutes but the adrenaline rush of performing for a live audience and the preparation for that, added to everything else that is on the list of things to do, has left me floored. Our publishers sent us fully designed pages of our book (yes, it's available for pre-order at Amazon and do feel free to reserve your copy now -- a refrain you'll come to recognize in the new year) to be reviewed for proofing corrections this weekend. Lauren did her round over the first half of the weekend and I dragged my exhausted self (and my Tim Burton-esque post-show, post-hairspray hair) out of bed early this morning to start taking my own run through it. I must say the day when this book will be nothing but a joy seems a ways off from now. While it is exciting to get past each stage in this process -- seeing the cover, seeing laid out pages, eventually getting a galley, etc. -- I do truly wish I had more time to devote to each stage and enjoying it. At this point in time it's hard to think of this as an accomplishment as it seems more like a roadblock in the way of other things in life. You know, "important" things like making gingerbread, finishing off the many ambitious sewing projects I had planned for holiday gifts, painting Miss P's room in her big xmas surprise, etc. I find I have a bad habit of doing this, focusing on the things not achieved rather than appreciating things done. Certainly that has been the case with this year and this book and I'm very much hoping 2008 will see a shift in that perspective.
In the meantime, I'm hoping to be able to stay awake late enough to enjoy decorating the tree with Miss P and Martin this evening. It will be the first real sign of the holidays around here -- aside from the pile snipped threads that keeps migrating upstairs with me.
In the meantime, I'm hoping to be able to stay awake late enough to enjoy decorating the tree with Miss P and Martin this evening. It will be the first real sign of the holidays around here -- aside from the pile snipped threads that keeps migrating upstairs with me.